It's been over a week since the Giants won the World Series, but I have a good excuse for taking this long to write about it: I'm a college student. College students have class to go to and homework to do on weekdays, and weekends are equally as tough on our brain cells. Get off my back!
OK, this excuse-making might be pointless based on the lack of readers I have but I still feel bad for taking this long. Today, November 6th, is the perfect day to write this post because it's not like anything important is going on in our country right now. No distractions whatsoever.
So, let me say this again: THE GIANTS WON THE WORLD SERIES. I could type that line 100 times in row with no other words and it would be a more delightful post than the one I'm actually writing but I'm not that lazy. This is the second title in three years for the Giants, which has some people uttering the word "dynasty." You may agree with this Giants' dynasty billing or you may totally disagree but I don't care about this storyline right now. That can wait a few months when we get closer to next season. Right now, all I care about is the 2012 team and how freaking happy it makes me to think about those players (except you, Melky).
"Happy" might seem like an overly-simplistic word to use to describe the Giants winning the World Series (my fingers get giddy typing those six words) but it is the best word to describe this season. In 2010, the word describing the season was "torture", so I think you understand why I haven't tried to find a more eloquent word than "happy" to describe my feelings. The Brian Wilson injury and the Melky drama were definitely rough patches but everything else this season overshadowed those low points.
Oh, did I depress you by bringing up Melky and Wilson? Here are some soothing words: Matt Cain, Buster Posey, Marco Scutaro, Angel Pagan, Ryan Vogelsong, Pablo Sandoval, Barry Zito (I can't believe it, either), Sergio Romo, Brandon Crawford's defense, Madison Bumgarner pitching in the World Series, Bruce Bochy's playoff managing, Hunter Pence and Brandon Belt's charming weirdness, etc. etc. etc. I could literally list the whole team and a Giants fan would smile just as much for every player/coach.
Each of those names listed above gives me an equal amount of joy, even if their individual narratives are drastically different. I might even right separate posts on each player and why I'm so happy for them because this post would be way way way too long.
The playoff comebacks were amazing but surprisingly not very stressful. Besides Game 3 of the NLDS, none of the Giants' wins in elimination games were close. They dominated every game, which turned our fear into confidence and eventually that turned into pure joy when they improbably won the two series. After Game 1 of the World Series, confidence was through the roof, so Giants fans couldn't help but feel a great sense of bliss.
This post might be all over the place but I don't know if I can write a perfectly structured post on this World Series. No Giants' championship will ever hold as dear a place in my heart as 2010 did, but I will never get tired of seeing the final out and watching all of the Giants' players jump into each others' arms.
Future fans will be amazed at how lucky Giants fans from the 2010s were. I'm so happy.
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